Hookahs have been used since ancient times, especially in Asian countries. A hookah is a device used to smoke a flavored smoking material. It comes in different types and models, with each type serving a different set of needs. Hookah smoking, due to its unique smoking experience, is getting steam among smokers all over the word. This blog post is dedicated to people who’re new to hookah smoking and don’t know what hookah type they should go for as a beginner.

Which Hookah Type Should I Buy as a Beginner?

What hookah type is ideal for beginners?

The majority of hookah smokers suggest going with a small- to medium-sized hookah to learn the ropes. Hookahs measuring 14 inches to 26 inches in height are considered ideal for beginners, as they can hold much water in the base. Going with a high end hookah is similar to learning car driving in a Lamborghini.

What are the different types of hookahs available out there?

Each hookah type is named after its manufacturer. So when we talk about a specific hookah type, we’re actually talking about a hookah brand/company. There’s a huge range of hookah manufacturers available out there, with the most common being Khalil Mamoon, MYA, Mob, and MyHookah. You can go with any hookah type that best meets your requirements.

Where to buy original hookahs online?

There’re a number of hookah online shops available out there. However, you should go for a website that is dedicated to serving your location. For instance, MyHookah is considered the best choice for buying hookahs online in Canada. Their site also ranks high on the search engines with the following search queries: Shisha Downtown Montreal, Shisha Tobacco Toronto, Hookah Toronto, etc.

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