Well-known Industrialist, Jaidev Shroff filed for divorce against his second wife, Poonam Bhagat. This case has taken the press by storm. Jaidev Shroff and Poonam Bhagat were married in late 2005 and after eleven years of marriage, Jaidev filed for divorce. His reasons for doing so are quite drastic. In his statement, Jaidev mentioned that his wife has been practicing Black Magic on him and even poisoned him with a magic potion.
Jaidev provided solid evidence against her wife in both Audio and Video format. The evidence consists of a conversation between his wife and a black magician who provided her with the magic potion. Jaidev provided the evidence at first hearing. He even posted urgent interim plea requesting the court to ban his wife from entering their home ever again.
Jaidev further said that his wife, Poonam used to be cruel towards his daughter from previous marriage. He filed a FIR on 4th April 2016 against his wife. Later on, Poonam took a counter action as she filed for anticipatory bail. Later on, she filed charges against Jaidev for domestic violence. She further added, she is a victim of domestic abuse for the past ten years but preferred to keep it to herself.
This divorce case has been the subject of media’s attention. While the proceeding and hearings still continue, things have been escalating in media’s eye as the former couple is throwing strong allegations against each other. Digging through the background of story, a lot of interesting facts were revealed. Both Poonam and Jaidev grew on Pali Hill and used to be childhood friends.
Aside from the serious charges she is facing in the divorce case, Poonam is also facing some fraudulent cases filed against by her colleagues and business associates. It is said she is involved in a fraud installation cases for an amount of 4 Crores.

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